Terms and Conditions

Data of the company that offers the service:

Company name: David Pérez Aranda High Mountain Guide UIAGM/UIMLA/AEGM
NIF: 20077065-C
David Perez Aranda
Superior Sports Technician in High Mountain

To formalize the reservation of the contracted activity, the following steps must be carried out:

1º.- 40% of the total amount of the contracted activity will have to be paid as a reservation

Account: IBAN: ES61 2100 2275 0501 0101 1961 – Swift/BIC Code: CAIXESBBXXX
Subject: Name of the program / Your name and surname
Beneficiary: David Pérez Aranda

2º.- Signing of the activity contract and receipt of payment of 40% of the activity.

3º.- The rest of the payment will be paid at the latest 7 days before the beginning of the activity.

4º.- The prices of the activities are in Euros and per person, and include the direct services of the guide and the added taxes.

5º.- In the price of the activity:

  • Yes, the collective security material will be included, as well as certain personal material detailed here: Helmet, harness, ice ax, crampons, ropes, as well as ARVA, shovel and probe for avalanche rescue in winter ski activities.
  • The individual/personal material of the participant (skis, boots, clothing…), nor transportation, nor maintenance, nor accommodation derived from the activity will not be included.

6º.-The Guide’s maintenance and lodging expenses are the responsibility of the participants.

1.- The client may cancel the activity at any time. Said cancellation will entitle the guide to retain and make his own the percentages of the reservation received that are detailed below, for management expenses, cancellation, damages.

On the amount of money paid as a reservation, there will be, in any case, a 5% penalty for management and reservation expenses. The penalty will be 80% if the cancellation occurs more than 45 calendar days from the start date of the activity. The penalty will be 100% if the cancellation occurs within the 45 calendar days immediately prior to the start of the activity. To these cancellation expenses will be added the costs derived from the cancellation of reservations in refuges, plane tickets and any other expense derived from said cancellation.

As of the 7th day before the start of the activity and in the event that the client does not show up for the provision of the service, they will not be entitled to any refund of the amount paid.

2.- When the guide shows up at the agreed meeting point, the activity is considered to have started.

3.- If the guide decides to cancel the activity before starting for meteorological or security reasons, or because the minimum number of places is not reached, 95% of the amount paid will be refunded or by agreement with the participants the activity will be postponed .

4.-Authorization to use images of the activity to be carried out: Yes___ No________

5.- From the confirmation of the reservation, the client will expressly assume all of these General Conditions. The contracting party assumes the responsibility of communicating the general and contracting conditions in case of signing up other people to the activity.


In order to guarantee maximum safety for our participants, we will strictly follow the protocols based on current regulations as well as the health recommendations offered by the Ministry of Health, the Spanish Federation of Mountain Sports (FEDME), local and International Mountain Federations in destination countries.

Given the current situation, I strongly recommend you take out travel cancellation insurance at the same time you make the payment and reservation deposit.

If the contract is impossible to fulfill as a result of circumstances directly related to the health emergency (COVID-19), the consumer may be given a voucher to be used within one year from the end of the state of alarm for the amount equal to the refund accomplished. After one year from the issuance of the voucher without being used, the consumer is entitled to a full refund. In any case, the reimbursement will proceed in the event that the consumer requests the termination of the contract provided that the service providers included in the program contract such as payments for reservations in refuges or travel tickets purchased by the guide for the realization of the program have proceeded to the full refund of the amount corresponding to their services. In the event that the amount returned is partial, the refund will correspond to the returns made.

Given the current situation, I strongly recommend you take out travel cancellation insurance at the same time you make the payment and reservation deposit.

  • That the activity that we are going to carry out takes place in a natural environment, the mountain, which must be respected:
    • Do not disturb the animals or harm any living being.
    • Do not leave garbage and respect nature.
  • The activity that we are going to carry out is carried out in a natural environment, not controlled by man. Activities such as mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, ski touring, backcountry skiing, and canyoning involve risks that can result in emotional and physical harm to yourself and others. I understand that due to its nature, hiring a guide does not eliminate these risks and they cannot be fully controlled by the Guide.
  • I declare to participate freely, voluntarily and consciously in these activities, as well as knowing and assuming the derived risks: the so-called objective dangers, insect bites or animal attacks, consequences derived from exposure to high altitude and cold, natural risks and my own physical and psychological condition.
  • I have been informed that the activity is directed by a qualified guide and is carried out within their professional competences. The guide is the one who directs the activity, having to abide by his decisions during the practice of the same and I promise to receive the changes of decisions with kindness and good humor.
  • I declare to be in good physical and psychological shape to carry out the contracted activity without suffering limitations, illness or injury that imply variations in said activity. Otherwise, I promise to notify the guide who directs the activity before starting.
  • I oblige myself to follow the instructions of the guide during the development of the activity, who may suspend the activity and/or modify it; schedules, itinerary, etc… if the environment or personal circumstances require it. There are no variations in the reimbursement made for the activity.
  • I declare that I have been informed that in activities such as multi-day trips and abroad it is advisable or obligatory to have accident and civil liability insurance in addition to the one provided by the guide, with personal priority. Mandatory to have a valid European health card for the EEC or insurance that replaces it outside the EEC.
  • I know the activity that we are going to carry out, the place where it is, the displacement required to get to the place and the specific characteristics of the activity, as well as the prerequisites that I need to be able to participate in it safely.
  • I have the necessary material for the activity. The material is in good condition and within its useful life. Otherwise, I will accept the advice provided by the guide for the proper development of the activity. In the event that the professional provides me with material, I promise to return the material delivered by the organization in the same state that it was provided to me or to pay its value in case of loss or deterioration.
  • I know the price of the activity and what is included and not included.
  • The company has informed me that it has a Civil Liability and Accident Insurance for the participants, although it advises the possession of a personal one abroad and the possession of the federation license for the current year.
  • Know at my disposal the claim sheet.
  • As a participant in the activity, I have informed the Guide that I do not suffer from any illness that could influence the development of the activity. Likewise, I promise not to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or narcotics, as well as any other medication that may affect my ability to react.
  • I declare that I have been informed of all these assumptions.
  • In compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law, and with the purpose of maintaining the commercial relationship and/or providing the services object of this contract, the personal data of the contracting party will be included and processed in the automated file owned by Jose David Pérez Aranda. The contracting party can exercise their rights of access, rectification and cancellation by email addressed to: perezarandajosedavid@gmail.com
  • The activities are subject to the conditions of the mountain and of the people who participate, who can suffer radical changes during it (weather, avalanches, altitude sickness, exhaustion…). The schedules, itineraries and activities may be modified or even suspended if the circumstances advise it and always at the discretion of the guide. If a variation occurs during the contracted activity for any of these reasons, an alternative proposed by the guide will be made that adjusts to the safety of the participants, without the right to compensation or economic refund in any case. It may happen that the alternative varies the price paid. Any extra expense derived from a change of activity is borne by the client, always with his consent.
  • Between 24-48 hours before the contracted activity, if in the opinion of the guide the client does not meet the required physical and technical conditions, the terrain or weather conditions are not favorable for the safety of the participants, or any cause beyond the control of the guide makes it impossible the contracted activity, another alternative will be made that adjusts to the physical and technical conditions of the participant, to the favorable weather and terrain conditions and to the safety of the participant. Always of the same economic value as paid by the customer. The guide will offer the best possible alternative to meet the client’s expectations. It may happen that the alternative creates variations in the price paid. Any extra expense derived from a change of activity is the responsibility of the client..
  • The commitment of the guide begins only in the activity itself, it is the client’s responsibility, both its transport to the place where the activity begins (except in cases where otherwise indicated) and that of the guide if this were necessary. The contract and the responsibility of the guide only affect direct work and the organization of the activity, not being responsible in any way for external services, such as shelters, ski lifts, meals… which are contracted and paid for directly by the client.
  • The prices are subject to change, these changes may be after the publication of the guide’s activities (increase in costs, currency fluctuations, taxes…). After an activity, if due to terrain or weather conditions you assess that the established price is not in accordance with the effort made, variations may be made. In some cases it is only possible to assess an activity after having carried it out.
  • The collective security material (ropes, hard material and other material) is included in all activities. The guide recommends, however, the use of your own material as long as the client has the appropriate material. There are advanced technical courses and activities in which the client must provide said material due to its characteristics, as well as in ski activities. In the event of breakage, loss or damage to any material lent to carry out the activity, the client must pay Jose David Pérez Aranda the amount of 50% of the market price at that time.
  • For the activities of great commitment and difficulty that are contracted, the guide may choose to carry out a technical test prior to the activity, in order to guarantee the safety and success of the subsequent activity. The costs of this test will be borne by the client..
  • Any modification or suspension of the activity once it has started, due to causes beyond the control of the organization, will not imply the reimbursement of any amount or the substitution of the same, so an attempt will be made to start the activity under the most favorable conditions possible.
  • To avoid any foreseeable incident, the client undertakes to abide by the decisions of the professional who accompanies him and follow the safety instructions that he indicates during the activity. Any non-compliance may lead to the suspension of the scheduled activity by the guide without the right to any refund.
  • The prices are per person, and except for errors or omissions, they include the direct services of the guide. These prices include taxes. Unless literally otherwise indicated, all the services and expenses incurred (such as reservations, transportation, accommodation, lifts and maintenance of the guide and the participants) and their hiring, are borne by the client, although the guide will facilitate the management of them.
  • In the event that the guide deems that a client does not meet the necessary personal material requirements, the guide may delay until this is corrected or cancel the activity to avoid possible risks. The cancellation of the activity for these reasons does not give the right to reimbursement of the contracted services.
  • In activities abroad, which are the cause of large expenses and travel, such as Alpine programs and expeditions outside Europe, when these cannot be carried out for reasons beyond the control of the guide, such as adverse weather conditions or weather, or cancellation by the client , or any other cause, the expenses generated by contracting services at the destination, plane tickets, hotel reservations, etc. that cannot be recovered will be borne by the client.
  • I agree to receive information from David Pérez Aranda High Mountain Guide UIAGM/UIMLA/AEGM in my email. Being able to deny it at the time you communicate it by e-mail to perezarandajosedavid@gmail.com
  • Minors must provide an authorization signed by their parents or legal guardians or be accompanied by them.
  • The fact of participating in any of our activities supposes the reading and acceptance of these conditions.

The activity contract includes civil liability insurance coverage and accident and assistance insurance. Their coverages are as follows:

Liability insurance:

  • Limit indemnity max. for claims: €5,000,000
  • Maximum sub-limit per victim: €1,000,000

Accident and assistance insurance:

  • Accidental death (per victim). €6,000
  • Permanent disability (per victim). €12,000
  • Rescue: €12,000
  • Health care: €12,000
  • Asistencia medico-quirúrgica 6.000€